Rack, Shank & Rump with Crunchy Mustard Mash

Serves: 12
- 150ml Millac Gold
- 1000g mashed potato
- 100g panko breadcrumbs
- 5g English mustard powder
- 12 lamb rumps
- 12 lamb cutlets
- 4 cooked lamb shanks
- 200g spinach
- 50g Lakeland Dairies Butter
- sea salt
- milled black pepper
Boil the Millac Gold and add to the potato mash
Add the mustard to the breadcrumbs and fold through the potato mash and keep hot
Season, sear and cook the rumps and cutlets until pink and set aside to rest
Shred the shank meat, shape into 12 faggots and return to the heat
Sauté the spinach in the Lakeland Dairies Butter and season well
Place the spinach on the plate and top with the rump, rack and shank meat
Serve with the creamy crunchy mustard mash