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Serves: 24
- 1 litre Millac Gold
- 1/2 bag Roselle Dessert Whip
- 30cm x 21cm sponge cake, 3cm deep
- 500ml black coffee, sweetened
- cocoa powder to garnish
Cut the sponge to shape and place in the base of a mould or serving dish.
Pour the sweetened coffee over the sponge to just below the top of each sponge and leave to soak.
Mix the Roselle Chocolate Whip according to the pack instructions and place in a piping bag.
Whip the Millac Gold until it is three times its volume and place in a piping bag.
Pipe the Roselle Chocolate Whip onto the sponge discs.
Pipe the Millac Gold on top and dust each one with cocoa powder.
Chill before serving.