Date: 21st April 2016

With poor diet and lack of exposure to ultraviolet light being two key factors when it comes vitamin D deficiency, people over the age of 65 are considered at higher risk. This is due to a decreased dietary intake as a result of low appetites, a special diet or difficulties swallowing, as well as lack of sunlight for those that are housebound or confined indoors for long periods.
Dr. Mabel Blades – registered dietitian and nutritionist with a PhD in diet and diabetes – explains the importance of vitamin D: “Lack of vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults, which can cause bone pain. A deficiency of vitamin D has also been implicated by some studies in contributing to causing heart disease, bowel and breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
“It is considered that about 50% of the population do not take enough of the vitamin and it’s recommended that people aged 65 years and over and those not exposed to much sun should also take a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms (400 IU) of vitamin D.”
Simon Muschamp, Head of Marketing at Pritchitts adds; “It’s for these reasons we looked at how we can make Millac Gold Double even better. Helping care caterers to not only combat malnutrition by upping calories, but also support them in boosting vital vitamin D levels to prevent serious illnesses such as those Dr. Blades has described.”
Packed with calories and now with the added benefit of 15% of your recommended daily requirement of vitamin D per 100ml, Millac Gold Double is the high performance cream alternative. Its versatility means it can be used for cooking, pouring and whipping – it whips up to three times its volume providing superior yield – and is ideal for both sweet and savoury dishes. Developed by chefs for chefs, Millac Gold Double is also approved by the Craft Guild of Chefs.
Mabel adds; “With vitamin D found in just a small number of foods such as oily fish, eggs as well as fortified spreads, butter and breakfast cereals, it can be a challenge for caterers to improve intake through diet alone. Therefore it is extremely useful to have additional sources of this important vitamin such as Millac Gold Double, which can be used in a range of recipes.”
Millac Gold Double is sold in 12 x 1 litre packs and has a long, ambient shelf life offering care chefs an easy and hassle-free option to boost the diet of ‘at risk’ residents.
*ISCD ^ Journal of the American Geriatrics Society