Date: 9th June 2021

We’ve thought long and hard about how we can support and celebrate the amazing work Care Caterers have accomplished in the past year. We’re therefore delighted to announce we’ve partnered with Public Sector Catering to sponsor their Care Catering Award for 2021.
The award is a fantastic opportunity to recognise the achievements of individuals, teams or organisations involved in the delivery of resident mealtimes in a care setting. The award particularly seeks to share the accomplishments of those who have significantly improved catering services for their customers and residents.
As a valued customer, we wanted you to be the first to see our ten helpful award entry writing tips, which we asked a past judge of the awards to share with you to help you craft your own standout application.
Ten Top Tips For Success
1. Criteria
Read the criteria carefully, then read it again. Make sure your submission meets all the requirements. Be sure not to miss out any questions in the entry criteria and provide all supplementary documents required.
2. Bespoke submission
Stay relevant by writing a bespoke entry for each award. Entries copied and pasted from previous award entries, or copy taken from marketing brochures will be unlikely to match the criteria closely enough for a winning submission.
3. Language
Judges have hundreds of entries to read. Make your entry standout by writing in a concise tone with clear language. Keep sentences short and grammar consistent for ease of reading. Exclamation marks are rarely need, keep them to a minimum.
4. Word count
Adhere closely to the word count. Submissions over word count can be cut, meaning vital information from your submission many never even make it to the judges. Equally, very short submissions may not provide judges with enough information to properly compare your entry with others.
5. Testimonials
Include at least one testimonial and more if possible. Endorsements from a third party, especially a customer or resident, are extremely impactful.
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6. Deadline
Make sure you hit the deadline and get your submission in on time. Entry’s may not be considered if they are late.
7. Judges
Think about the entry from the judge’s perspective. Its important to not to assume they know anything about you or your business. Explain clearly in concise factual language who you are and why you should win.
8. 5W’s and an H
Make sure you have answered every one of these principle questions within your entry: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. The answers to these six questions form the basis of all good entries.
9. Winning hearts and minds
Be evocative. Let the judges know the positive emotional impact of your work. Summarise the key points at the start of your entry and without being repetitive, at the end too.
10. Results
Draw conclusions and provide measured results. Judges will look for clear evidence of results, therefore provide as many statistics and metrics as you can to prove your case.
Entries are open until Thursday 1st July 2021. To nominate please go to
We wish you all the very best of luck and look forward to celebrating your great service at the awards on September 9th, 2021.